This is a resin kit - If you have not worked with resin I suggest you research the different building techniques. The parts may require some sanding in order fit properly. You must use either two-part epoxy glue or cyano (superglue) adhesive. Both of these work well, so it is down to individual preference.
The P.120 followed the earlier Boulton Paul P.111 delta-wing experimental aircraft. It was produced for the Air Ministry to specification E.27/49 and differed from the P.111 in having a swept fin and rudder with horizontal tail surfaces high on the fin to improve longitudinal and directional stability. It had essentially the same wing as the P.111 in the latter's greatest span configuration, an un-clipped delta; the wing tips of the P.120 were not removable or replaceable, but they could be rotated deferentially or together for lateral or longitudinal trim. Just inboard of these tips the P.120 gained a pair of wing fences. The fuselages of the two aircraft were also identical, except towards the rear
J-Bar Item 55757
Olimp Item R72027